Stata Commands

Welcome to my Stata Commands page!

I created this page to share Stata Commands that I developed to simplify the research process. The commands on this page allow anyone to quickly tabulate commonly used statistics and perform common data manipulations that would otherwise require hours of tedious work or involve considerably more code.

I encourage you to freely use, modify, and share the commands on this page, and to send feedback and suggestions to

Happy coding! 

Tabulates Pearson and Spearman correlations in Excel to streamline the process of communicating results to coauthors and transposing correlations to Word

Tabulates univariate statistics, including tests for differences in means and medians across subsamples, in Excel to streamline the process of communicating results to coauthors and populating descriptive statistics tables in Word

Converts one 4 digit SIC code into multiple variables containing 1, 2, 3, and 4 digit SIC codes and every Fama-French industry code (5, 10, 12, 17, 30, 38, 48, and 49)

Converts dates imported to Stata as string variables to Stata's official datetime format, suitable for empirical analysis

Preliminary release of code for Vuong and Clarke tests in "A New Perspective on R&D Accounting" (link to paper on SSRN)